Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fast or Fit?

Fast or Fit?

Oh Holidays, have you stepped on the scale?  Did you work out on Christmas day or are you waiting for the new year?  There is no day like the present.

Politics aside, lol.  What do you want to do in 2013?  Do you want to be fit or fast?


  1. Push your limits everyday.
  2. Learn you need to suffer a little or a lot during hard training sessions.
  3. Prepare a diet that provides energy and recovery.
  4. Know when it is time to rest and recover.
  5. Go Fast or go Home.


  1. Do some sort of physical activity every day.
  2. Learn the difference between good pain and bad pain.
  3. Eat to live, not live to eat.
  4. There are very few good excuses not to exercise.
  5. Get into a Good strength training program.
2013 starts today, get off your ass, it's go time. 


Friday, December 7, 2012

The Stache.

 Can you wear a mustache in Sport.

1. Simple you're Dave Z.

2.  You could be last years MVP in the NFL.

3.  You're one on the best performers of all time.

4.  You're Prefontaine, enough said with a name like Prefontaine.

5. You're this guy.  Well, if you are this bad ass, you can also wear a shirt with your name on it.

6.  Look at the hair, love it.

You pick what these gentlemen have in common and decide if you are worthy of the Mustache.  Feel free to comments or add to the list.