Monday, November 11, 2013

Time to Breath.

Don't sweat the small things.

A couple thousand feet of climbing, encouragement.

Live life like you were Dying.

Fast, slippery, give'r hell, kinda like life.

Do what you do.

Finish!  Not everybody wins.  Sometimes we learn more from our loses:

get upset?

or reload

Lead or Follow.

Work together, and do your best.  Push yourself and everyone around to the be their best and then some.

Sometimes you need to take small steps.

Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith.

You may get some scars on the way.

But stay Focused,

You will accomplish great things.

Be Great Today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My top 5.

My top 5 weight lose tips:

1.  Drink more water.
This should go with out saying. 

2.  Exercise every day.
Yes, this means everyday.  Walk, run, bike, yoga, strength training, at least 20 minutes everyday.

3.  Eat more vegetables.
 My opinion, we all need to work on this.  Vegetables are typically low in fat and calories, with many other health benefits.  Try to choose vegetable rich in color, and keep a good balanced nutritional plan.

4.  At least 4 day of aerobic activity.
Different then exercise everyday, but counted as your exercise for the day.  

aerobic exercise,
any physical exercise that requires additional effort by the heart and lungs to meet the striated muscles' increased demand for oxygen. Aerobic exercise increases the breathing rate and ultimately raises heart and lung efficiency. Prolonged aerobic exercise (at least 20 minutes three times a week) is recommended for the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system. Examples of aerobic exercise include running, jogging, swimming, and vigorous dancing or cycling. Also called aerobicsCompare anaerobic exerciseSee alsoactive exercisepassive exercise.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

5. Limit refined foods.
I'll stay here for a second, not only candy and donuts:
Yep this counts as refined food.  If you can store it almost indefinitely, probably not that good for you.  Most likely high calories, fat, and not that much nutritional value.  
Eat to live, not live to eat.

Just my opinion, take as you will. Be great today.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


What inspires you?





The Outdoors?


Find it, Embrace it, Live it.

Be Great Today!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ahhhh, you put it together.

Love and hate this guy, but impressive.

Love my hockey.

Mark Messier. The greatest captain of any sport, any time...period. He led on the ice and in the dressing room. His skill, willpower and ability to carry a team -- especially in the playoffs -- were unmatched by any player in any sport, other than perhaps Michael Jordan (who was not the same caliber of leader as Messier).

In 25 years , Messier played 1,756 games, and tallied 694 goals, 1,193 assists for a total of 1,887 points (second all time). He's also second all time in playoff points. And he wasn't just a scorer, he'd stand up for his teammates, too, racking up 1,910 penalty minutes.

He won 6 Stanley Cups: 5 in Edmonton (including one in 1990 without Gretzky), and then carried the Rangers to their first Cup in 54 years in 1994. 

No one else has ever captained two different teams to a championship.

His leadership is so legendary, the NHL actually created an award to memorialize it -- the Mark Messier Leadership Award -- given to the player who best leads by example on the ice and motivates his teammates.
Who is this Guy?

Well lets start from the top, Lance.  If you like him, hate him, or just don't care, he drove the bus to 7 Tour de France wins.  I would say that makes him an outlier.

Messier, enough said.

...and that guy, Jeremy Lin, I never heard of this guy till writing this.  Go to the article under lessons and reread #3.  This guy is impressive.

That is all I got, you figure it out.  Be great today.  Square pegs do not fit in round holes.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fight or Flight

fight-or-flight response  (ftôr-flt)
A physiological reaction in response to stress, characterized by an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, elevation of glucose levels in the blood, and redistribution of blood from the digestive tract to the muscles. These changes are caused by activation of the sympathetic nervous system by epinephrine (adrenaline), which prepares the body to challenge or flee from a perceived threat.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Do you put everything on the line and fight, or run like a coward?

Sometimes things go sideways, and some times you exceed expectations.  It is easy to continue when you are successful, but what really shows your true character is when everything goes sideways.  Do you reflect, review, and try again or do you quit and move on?

Another side of this is your actions and character when one else can see.  Do you push forward to make the world a better place, improve yourself, or wait for the world to pass you by.  Are you at your best at all times or pissing on the world around you. It is easy to play nice when people are watching, but what you do when no one else is around will show your true character.

You now get a couple of my favorite and motivating quotes:

Shawshank Redemption - "Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying ...

Today is the first day of the rest of you life, unknown

Control is an illusion, unknown, it might be mine.

Fight or flight, in times of trials you can choose, run or face it. There are times where it is better to run and fight another day. Use thought and caution in your decisions, rely on people close to you for knowledge and advice. Do what you think is right, and do not question your decisions. Make the most of what you have, but never stop trying to be better. Today not everybody gets a ribbon. Mike Olheiser

You have the power to change, the choice is yours.

Be great today.  

Mike Olheiser

Friday, March 8, 2013

Every Day Eats

Eat everyday like tomorrow is race day.  Simple tips:

- low fat proteins
- Whole grains
- H2O

- Deep fried foods
- sodas
- sugar
- chips
- cake

- winging it, not getting into a practice of putting the proper fuel in your body to fuel it through every day.If it is weight lose, training, or just being healthy, we are what we eat. Eat good and be healthy.


Choice is yours my friend, stay fit my friend.  trainhard4life, Mike

Monday, February 18, 2013

February Hangover

Twice in the same day, I hear an athlete talk about the February hangover.  It happens to all of us; Athletes and every day Joes.  Let's get to the point; What is happening?  Lets talk basics:

January Pump:

1. You set goals for the year, long term goals not short term, e.i. day to day, week by week.
2. A new year and your still Fat not Phat, you put weight on for the Holidays, wait, and last year, this does not help you go fast, loss weight, or be fit.
3. Fresh start or new team, you need to train or concentrate on your health 24/7.
4. New gear, either got it for Christmas or your new team gear, it always fun to give the new gear a fresh run.
5. Everybody is doing it, getting in shape for the new year, puke.

February Hangover:

1. Man, the days are short, I need some sun.
2. I can't get rid of Mom's pumpkin pie that is sitting on my ass or is that the stuffing? Gravy?  Oh hell it's all of it.
3. Very little gains, the 4 lbs you lost in January, you put back on in February.
4.  The new equipment is getting old.
5.  The trainer, double puke.

February Fix:

1. Reset you goals, and put down the fork.  Yep, that right, put the fork down and get outside.
2. Buy a new pair of shoes, or something to get you excited to play.  New music on your player?
3. Stop looking backward, focus on the future, try something new.
4. Stop saying I'll do it tomorrow, fyi it's tomorrow.
5. Do it for you, it is your time

Let me know if I forgot anything.  Get busy living and be great.  Step up to the top of the podium.

Thursday, February 7, 2013



Cashcall Mortgage training camp was great.  We won our first road race, got close and personal, measured each other, threw a couple of jabs, hurt some feelings and each other, but came out of the week ready to take on our next challenge.

Last week was the second time our team came together.  First was mini camp, where we rode a little and spent some time together off the bike.  This camp, the rubber was going to meet the road, 6 days of riding, a road race, and a crit.  I came into the week pretty tired from training at home, but wanted to finish off a block of hard training before resting and getting ready for 2013 race season.  Goals were simple:  Get use to my new equipment, ride hard, and start bringing the guys together as we form what will be Cashcall Mortgage Cycling Team 2013.

Our new KHS bikes, Jakroo Kits, Shimano shoes,  Kenda tires, Rudy Projects all performed great, which made for an easy transition from last year's gear.  I love putting my gear to the test and see how it preforms, it is a great way for us and our sponsor to meet, exchange information, and make improvements for the future.  Thank you in advance, for producing stuff I can and can't break.

The team, my favorite part.  As far back as I can remember, I have been a part of a team.  From soccer to cycling, I love team.  It is trust and friendship, leading and learning, growing and groaning, take it or leave it.  When you build a team everyone needs to be on the same page, react without thinking, trust without building.  When you have these type of things, you will win.  Super stars are just that, but a team wins with its supporting cast.  Everyone was there role to play, play it and be great, or watch as your team falls.

2013 will be great, engage and enjoy the ride.

trainhard4life, Mike

Monday, January 14, 2013

Train Like?

What are you training for:  Get in shape, Run a 5K, Ironman, Time Trial, Sprint, etc

What to do? Emphasize your strengths, and work on your weaknesses.  Train for you, and your goals.  Break down your goals and training.  Make sure your training meets your goals.  Test to make sure you are on track and moving forward. Don't give up, track, review, revise, and renew, your plan.  It is "ok" to change the plan if you are not getting the results you expect or want.

e.i. It doesn't matter how fast you are in a sprint if you can't get to the sprint;  Getting in shape is more then just walking 3 days a week, it is movement and nutrition, a lifestyle.

What not to do:  Expect results, with out working for them.

This guy

Tom Boonen, power guy on the cobbles.

Doesn't train like this guy
Mark Cavendish, pure sprinter.

The Hulk trained like no one else.

Especially not:

Dara Torres, Olympic swimmer.

Take home: 

Train and prepare for everything, but be specific as well.

Test to keep you on track.

Have fun, Never stop.

Stay healthy my friend, Be great today.

Train like you mean it, Trainhard4life.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Be like Mike?

Well I'm already Mike, so I want to be like:
I bet this guy Kicks Ass everyday.  Yep, be Great today!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's over!!!

2012 that is.  The new year at the gym, all the new grumpy faces that do not want to leave the comfort of there couch.  It was so easy watching Good Morning America from the comfort of your warm living room, where you watch the cat and dog play and joke about a healthier year.  Well it is time to do the same this year.  Renew your membership to the gym, take one class, get some muscle soreness, pay for the gym for the next 6 months, but never darken the door, quit in July, and wonder why you look, act, and feel the same.  As April Hartsook would say "Want Different....Do Different".  Try something different, make it a habit in 2013.  Get out and enjoy.

Make 2013 the best. Inspire. Motivate. Live. 

What to do:

1. Set REALISTIC goals.
2. Find Joy and Happiness everyday.
3. Find new and healthy foods that you Enjoy.
4. Do exercises you enjoy not endure through.
5. Get busy Living.

What not to do:

1. Set unattainable long range goals.
2. Try to make others happy before finding your own Happiness.
3. Emotional eat.
4. You can follow fabs, but make healthy life changes and stay with them.
5. Get busy dying.

It is time for the new you.