Monday, February 18, 2013

February Hangover

Twice in the same day, I hear an athlete talk about the February hangover.  It happens to all of us; Athletes and every day Joes.  Let's get to the point; What is happening?  Lets talk basics:

January Pump:

1. You set goals for the year, long term goals not short term, e.i. day to day, week by week.
2. A new year and your still Fat not Phat, you put weight on for the Holidays, wait, and last year, this does not help you go fast, loss weight, or be fit.
3. Fresh start or new team, you need to train or concentrate on your health 24/7.
4. New gear, either got it for Christmas or your new team gear, it always fun to give the new gear a fresh run.
5. Everybody is doing it, getting in shape for the new year, puke.

February Hangover:

1. Man, the days are short, I need some sun.
2. I can't get rid of Mom's pumpkin pie that is sitting on my ass or is that the stuffing? Gravy?  Oh hell it's all of it.
3. Very little gains, the 4 lbs you lost in January, you put back on in February.
4.  The new equipment is getting old.
5.  The trainer, double puke.

February Fix:

1. Reset you goals, and put down the fork.  Yep, that right, put the fork down and get outside.
2. Buy a new pair of shoes, or something to get you excited to play.  New music on your player?
3. Stop looking backward, focus on the future, try something new.
4. Stop saying I'll do it tomorrow, fyi it's tomorrow.
5. Do it for you, it is your time

Let me know if I forgot anything.  Get busy living and be great.  Step up to the top of the podium.

1 comment:

  1. So true! Even though I'm not commenting until MAY! I feel this Pumpkin pie problem to be fitting; as well as the short days. Assuming, since this is coming from you, February blues are a tough battle for even the fittest, and were especially bad this year due to health reasons for me that kept me away just about the time I was getting ready to jump back in. But here we are in beautiful May-can't wait to recover and heal and get back to it. Gradually. Jealousy of other athletes racing and the race I had to drop out of weighing on me--time to shake it off in order to move forward.
