Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sport and Life

Life is like sport.  You have some good days and you have some bad days.  What defines you is how you play.  Not just in the game, but before, after, and during.  Build on successes and failure, you only fail if you quit.

The path you choose.

The road may have some rocks on it, or lead  to the top of a mountain. Face your challenge.

Surround yourself with great people and build a great team.

It may hurt, push or quit.  Your life is ahead of you and starts today.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Ride for Today

Ride for Today, because tomorrow we may.....

Training:  The process, have fun, go easy, and sometimes it's business and you have to give it hell.

The Road:  Look at the leaves and remember you may have a greater purpose in life.

 The Trail:  Don't be afraid to go off road, you might be surprised with what you find.  That which does not kill you....  The answers you may be looking for are not on the road most traveled.

Be Great Today.  Trainhard4life