Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My Top 5 Fall Exercises

This isn't one, I just like the pic.
1.  Push ups
Push ups can also be done from your knees to make them a little easier.  Try to challenge yourself and always hold good form. 

2.  Rows

10 Latihan Otot Perut Selain Sit Up dan Crunches (2) Single-arm-<b>Bend</b>-<b>over</b>-dumbbell-<b>row</b>-<b>exercise</b>

Rows, can be done in a variety of ways:  dumbbell, straight bar, band, upright, seated.  Choose what works the best for you, stabilize and flatten your back.

3.  Plank
<b>Plank</b> <b>Pose</b> 
Maybe start by holding for 30 seconds and work your way to a minute.

4.  Squats

 <b>SQUATS</b> <b>SQUATS</b> <b>SQUATS</b>Weights or no weights, great exercise that can be done almost anywhere.

5.  Walking

Time, repetitions and sets will vary with your each individuals fitness level, challenge yourself, but always stay inside your limits.   Watch your form and consult an expert if you have questions or experience pain, and always make sure you are healthy enough to exercise.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

That Time of Year.

To athletes and weekend warriors: For some your season is over, others just beginning.  I wanted to put a few tips out there for each. Now pay attention.

A little chart to use as a reference.  You could also call this period, noncompetitive time, up to you.  What is important is that you don't fall off the edge and stop all activity, a simply change is enough. 

Go from this:

To This: 

Or from this: 

 To this:

The fall is a great time to hit the gym, fix injuries, and strengthen your entire body.  Focus on the positive and live life.

Time, look back, reflect, and set your sights on the next big thing in your life. Reload, reset, time to be great.